Mehrdad Karrabi


PhD candidate

Institute of Science and Technology Austria (ISTA)

Am Campus 1, 3400 Klosterneuburg

Hello! I am a PhD candidate at Institute of Science and Technology Austria (ISTA) working under supervision of Krishnendu Chatterjee. I am broadly interested in Theoretical Computer Science. Specifically, My research focuses on Formal Methods, with a theoretical interest in analysis of finite and infinite-state games and a practical focus on blockchain modeling and analysis. My goal is to integrate theoretical insights with practical applications to ensure the safety of systems.

Proior to ISTA, I completed my Bachelor’s in Computer Engineering at Sharif University of Technology.

Email: [firstname].[lastname] [at] (

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Dec 10, 2024 I am excited to announce that my paper titled “Quantified Linear and Polynomial Arithmetic Satisfiability via Template-based Skolemization” has been accepted at AAAI’25.
Sep 12, 2024 I am honored to share that my paper, “Sound and Complete Witnesses for Template-based Verification of LTL Properties on Polynomial Programs”, has received the Distinguished Paper Award at FM’24.
Jun 11, 2024 I am excited to announce that my paper titled “Sound and Complete Witnesses for Template-based Verification of LTL Properties on Polynomial Programs” has been accepted at FM’24.
Apr 22, 2024 I am excited to announce that my paper titled “Fully Automated Selfish Mining Analysis in Efficient Proof Systems Blockchains” has been accepted at PODC’24.
Apr 22, 2024 I am excited to announce that my paper titled “Game Dynamics and Equilibrium Computation in the Population Protocol Model” has been accepted at PODC’24.
Apr 16, 2024 I am excited to announce that my paper titled “Solving Long-run Average Reward Robust MDPs via Stochastic Games” has been accepted at IJCAI’24.